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How to choose his exercises?

Bodybuilding is a discipline that includes many movements. And one program can not contain them all. At some point, you have to make choices and select the ones you will practice. However, how to make this choice? This is not an easy task, especially for a beginner, and sometimes even for a confirmed practitioner. Here is an explanation of how to choose your exercises.

man holding barbell
Photo de Anush Gorak sur Pexels.com[/caption]

A personalised choice

The first thing to understand, before making a choice of exercises and building a bodybuilding program, is that each person is different. The bodies of some are big, medium, small, but the difference does not stop there. Because everyone has a length of arms, legs, busts, different. The width of the shoulders is also a personal datum. In short, each morphology is unique. Therefore, the choice of exercises must be individual. It is not a matter of taking over the program completely made of a friend or that found in a magazine. Because, some of these exercises will go to you, but others much less.
To understand this concept, here are two concrete examples. The first is that of pumps. It is a basic exercise and is generally recommended to everyone. However, you should know that not all practitioners are equal before this movement. It's very simple, if you have short arms, it will be easier for you to perform the exercise at equal weight than someone with longer arms. Indeed, you will have less distance to go to the ground.

fitness power man person
Photo de Alturas Homes sur Pexels.com

Second example, that of squats. This time, the difference is in the length of the legs. If you have long thighs, you will have a lot more to lean forward than if you have short thighs, all to keep the balance. This results in greater danger for your back.
It is therefore understandable that there are great inequalities between each person in front of the same exercises. And it is obvious that, if an exercise does not suit you, because its execution hurts you, because it presents too much danger of injury, or because it is too difficult for your morphology, it is useless to insist. Put this exercise aside.

Special exercises

If you have to choose the exercises according to your morphology, you must also select them according to your objectives. Indeed, each movement has advantages and disadvantages. In addition, they solicit certain muscles rather than others. It is therefore important to keep your objective in mind and to direct you to the most advantageous exercises to accomplish this one, the disadvantages of which will be the least of the inconveniences.

photo woman bodybuilder using cable and pulley machine while facing mirror
Photo de Sabel Blanco sur Pexels.com

Each exercise is unique, but there is a distinction that already allows them to be divided into two groups, basic exercises and isolation exercises. The basic exercises require several joints at the same time and therefore many muscles. This is the case of the squat, for example. They allow a strong solicitation of the muscles in a short time and lift heavy. However, they are tiring and they do not necessarily put a muscle at the center of the priorities. However, depending on the morphology, some muscles may take precedence over others. For example, on pumps, some practitioners will feel especially their triceps work and pecs will take less effort. For others, it will be the opposite.
Isolation exercises are those that require only one joint. Fewer muscles are involved and these exercises are less effective at developing muscle mass. However, they require less energy and it is possible to target specific muscles.
To summarise, the basic exercises must compose most of a program, especially when you are a beginner. Thus, all the muscles can be stressed intensively in a minimum of time. Over time, isolation exercises can then be added to the program to help develop late muscle or which you want to prioritise.

Know how to change exercises

When you have selected your exercises, you will probably practice them for a while. However, even if they seem to you the most appropriate, that they are the ones you prefer, with which you are most comfortable, that does not mean that it will be all the time.
There may come a time when your feelings will change. Such exercise will seem less effective, or even become useless for your progress. Another, that you do not like more than that, will bring you good sensations. This is normal, your muscles have grown, they have changed and they can be ready for one exercise or not to react to another.
It is then time to change the exercise, adopt the one that seems most effective and forget the other, at least for a moment. It will always be possible to come back to it later.

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