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The Intermediate Bodybuilding Program

This is a sample bodybuilding program 

This is the updated Intermediate Powerlifting Sample Program from andy_rippedbody .
It is a four-day program that builds upon the base that was established from the novice program. Volume is increased globally, with a greater increase coming in the form of lower-body and upper-body pushing volume.

Additionally, a second horizontal pull (I advise a free weight option for the heavier rowing session) and a bench and squat variation are added to round out development and ensure that no “weak links in the chain” occur now that the foundations of technical skill have been established.
Four days are utilized to accommodate the increased volume. Unlike the novice program, there is no three-day option.
Heavy loading still accounts 70% of the volume while lighter loading accounts for 30%. Similarly, nearly the same proportion of volume comes from the competition lifts and accessory movements, respectively.
A daily undulating model is still the approach used on a week-to-week basis in a similar manner to the novice program.

Higher volumes of moderate-intensity work are performed on Day 1 with a squat variation (I advise a variation that allows you to say upright to give your hips a break if you squat low bar, e.g. front, high bar, or safety bar squat) and bench press. Accessory movements are trained for both strength and hypertrophy on all days, and Day 2 is dedicated to heavy technique work with the competition lifts.

Strength work is spread between Day 3 and 4 with squats and bench press being trained for strength on Day 3, and then the deadlift trained for strength on Day 4 with some moderate load work on a bench variation .

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